
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 22: Blue Goose VIP

We had a pretty eventful day today.  First, Lucy handed me Lion King so I put it in.  I started crying as soon as the "Circle of Life" song came on.  That's the first 5 seconds mind you.  All of the animals are strolling in to see the new baby, maybe it makes me emotional because I love my baby so much or because we have another on the way.  I don't know, but I cried a few times during the movie.  Not like tears streaming down my face, but my eyes would get watering and I'd choke up if I tried to tell Lucy to watch it.  I guess it didn't affect her like it affected me.  After that, I took a shower and then we went to the library for story time.  We checked out some movies and books and Lucy had a good time.  She has gotten more interactive each time we have gone.  We'll need to do this every summer because it really is a good time.  We came home and got some Wendy's.  I then tried to get Lucy to take a nap, because we had a ear appointment at 2:30.  She didn't fall a sleep, but did as we went to the ear doctor.  At the ear doctor, we realized that she has mild hearing loss.  We're taking some allergy medicine in hopes that will clear up some congestion that might be causing it.  Poor girl, it's affecting her speech, but we'll get it worked out.  Her tonsils are also really large, the third time we have heard that.  I'm afraid that she is going to need those to come out sooner than later.  I'm just hoping it's before the baby, because Lucy is going to be a baby again when those suckers come out.  At least her and Mommy can eat ice cream together.  The doctor said that might be the reason she doesn't eat very good.  If she'd try more stuff, then I'd buy that explanation.  It's a wait and see type of thing.  Serena came home and we got to go to the McKinney Blue Goose for their VIP dinner, because it doesn't open until Wednesday.  It was delicious stuff.  That was our day, it had it's up and downs but I'll keep you updated on her hearing.

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